Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Yes, I realize this is a bit overdue. I have been sick and without a lot of internet access, but I think it's worth a post, regardless!

Firstly, I need to show you my 4 foot bubblegum pink tree smothered in beautiful sparkling vintage ornaments and little stars. (Which you cannot see, but they were there. Just imagine.) It was the greatest.

But, mostly, I want to show off this shirt Amanda made for me. She took the knowledge of my favor toward foxes and elbow patches, found a shirt on a great Asian website, painted me a fox, then transferred it onto said shirt all on her own. Such a cool and thoughtful gift. The best kind.

I apologize for the photo quality. The only digital I have on me, at the time, is my little phone. Hopefully that will change soon, but we'll see!

Hope you all had a beautiful Christmas and enjoy the last few days of your year.


(By the way, you can now Like us on Facebook... Yay!)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Interview on Liebemarlene

Just wanted to make a little post in recognition of another feature on http://liebemarlene.com
Rhiannon interviewed both Amanda and myself and did a small post here.

If I ever had a goal in the blogging world--this was it.

I am truly honored to have worked with Rhiannon (as well as her husband, Drew, and the second lovely half of Silent Sundays, Jamie) and to be included in so much of her blog and shop's recent updates. Having been a close follower for years, I am endlessly appreciative!

Take a look, if you haven't already.
And thanks, always, for reading!
